Minutes of last Board Meeting

Minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, June 19, 2024.  Board President Wendy Lamos called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm.  Roll was taken with the following members present: Wendy Lamos, Dick Paulsen, Wendy Buseman, Carol Sensor, Lisa Peters and Director Suzy Knipfel. (Nathan Subbert arrived later, after attendance was taken).  The director reviewed the June Warrants and the May statistics report.  Payroll and payroll liabilities are larger due to a three pay period month.  Annual TLC software fee was also paid in June.  The Jolly Pops (Summer Reading Program) was paid by the Friends of the Library.  Lisa made a motion to accept the minutes, agenda, and warrants. It was seconded by Dick. Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  The monthly circulation and financial report showed that circulation is down a little bit.  This could be due in part to the music subscription being down significantly.  Good attendance for Tuesday lunch and summer programs.  The library has received 100% of the levy money from the city as well as 100% of the county funding.  The library will also be receiving the foundation funding before June 30th. Public Comment: Traci Stillwell spoke regarding the open records request.

Old Business: 1.  Open Records Request Policy: Policy was written by City Attorney Megan Rosenberg and edited for grammar/formatting by Carol Sensor.  Dick made a motion to approve the Open Records Request Policy, and seconded by Carol. Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  2.  Resolution with Iowa Public Information Board: Wendy made a motion to approve the resolution with the Iowa Public Information Board concerning open records requests.  Dick seconded the motion.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve. New Business:  1.  Election of Officers for 2024-2025. A motion was made by Wendy Buseman to table the election until the August meeting, and Lisa seconded.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve. 2.  Committee assignments 2024-2025 Board members signed up for committees for 2024-2025.  there will be no Public Relations Committee in 2024-2025.3. HPL Foundation Annual Meeting:  The Foundation met in May.  The HPL will be receiving a $5,000.00 increase in funding for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.  They will also be discussing replacing the rest of the windows-will meet later in 2024 to decide. 4. Friends of the HPL Book Sale:  The book sale was held inside due to weather.  Many books went out the door and the HPL made roughly $500.00.  Director's report:  Suzy and Esmeralda attended the Chamber Quarterly Coffee.  Suzy would like to bring a staff member each time she attends.  First Security donated proceeds from the meal served at Tuesday on the town-unsure of amount at this time.  Suzy will be giving the quarterly report to City Hall in July.  E-rate has been filed (government money used to offset internet expense) the amount was $768.00.  HPL is looking at switching internet providers in 2025.  165 children have signed up for the Summer Reading Program, not counting the daycares.  Doug Tarr and Suzy did a quick walk around of the building.  New weather stripping is needed on a couple of the doors.  Suzy will also have Doug return to look at the library's foundation.  Suzy also discussed obtaining a trash container from the City for the parking lot area of the library. The cost would be around $1,200.00. The free lunches have been going very well-well attended, with some then staying for library activities.  Motion to adjourn was made by Dick and seconded by Nathan.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  The next meeting is July 8, 2024 at 5:15 pm-this will be a short meeting to discuss and approve the purchase of a new trash container from the City for the parking lot area.  The next full meeting will be August 21, 2024 at 5:15 pm.


Minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, May 15, 2024.  Board President Wendy Lamos called the meeting tor order at 5:15 pm.  roll was taken with the following members present: Wendy Lamos, Dick Paulsen, Dale Schirmer, John Lyman, Wendy Buseman, Lisa Peters, Kristi Wragge and interim director Suzy Knipfel.  The interim director reviewed the May warrants and the April statistics report.  the only item of note was the visa bill due to the summer reading supplies purchased.  Dale made a motion to accept the minutes, agenda, and warrants.  It was seconded by Kristi.  Voice vote was unanimous.

The monthly circulation and financial report showed that circulation is down a little bit.  A bunch of older movies suspected of not working any more (approximately 10 years old) have been weeded out.  Those will go on the book sale as "at your own risk".  The library has received 100% of the levy money from the city as well as 100% of the county funding.  The library will be getting the final quarter of funding from the city.  The library will be getting a check from the Foundation and Suzy will be meeting with them during the week of May 20th. No public comment.  Old Business: 1: Infinity Table-The Infinity Table has been received and it will be run by batteries rather than having an electrician come in to run wires.  The same anonymous person who purchased the infinity table has also purchased the two batteries.  Brenda will keep the batteries behind her desk.  Fully charged they are supposed to last four hours and are $200 a piece.  Suzy will send a thank you note to the anonymous donor.  New Business: 1.  Library board President, Wendy Lamos, read the following statement:  "The Hampton Public Library board of Trustees acknowledges there are sufficient facts to show that the library has failed to provide public records requested within a reasonable time and failed to provide a complete estimate of fees pursuant to Iowa code Chapter 22. 2. Hampton City Attorney, Megan Rosenberg, then discussed the new Open Records Policy, as well as the status of the current open records request.  Suzy and Attorney Rosenberg have reviewed the draft policy, which has been sent to the Public Information board for comments/edits.3.  Lisa Peters with the Personnel Committee made the recommendation that Suzy Knipfel be named the permanent Director of the Hampton Publlc Library.  No additional salary increase on top of the July increase.  Motion to accept the recommendation was made by Dale and seconded by Dick. Voice vote was unanimous.  4.  Suzy discussed the hiring of Misty Sosa as a part-time employee at 8-10 hours per week, at a wage of $12.50 per hour.  Motion to accept the hiring of Misty Sosa at a beginning wage of $12.50 per hour was made by John and seconded by Dale.  Voice vote was unanimous.  5.  Salary and wage increases of all staff, except the new hire, Misty Sosa, at 5.00% beginning July 1, 2024 for FY 24-25-dick made a motion to approve, Kristi seconded the motion.  Voice vote was unanimous. 6.  Suzy will be moving Esmerelda to full-time effective June 1st.  No additional compensation for moving to full time, but is included in the above staff July 1 increases.  Job title will be Assistant Librarian/Main Cataloger. 7.  Board reviewed the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024-2025.  The only changes Suzy felt needed to be made were decreasing full-time wages and increasing Office and PR.  The entire budget is approximately $34,000 less.  Dale made a motion to approve, John seconded the motion.  Voice vote was unanimous. 8.  Suzy presented two proposals for additional holiday closings.  Proposal # 1: closing the following Saturday (Friday holiday) of the Saturday preceding the Monday holiday for a potential savings of $1,007.00.  Proposal # 2: Closing on the Saturday before Memorial Day and Labor Day, and the Saturday after Thanksgiving for a potential savings of $670.00.  Both proposals also included Good Friday closure.  Both proposals would also help with retention of part-time staff.  Dale made a motion to approve Proposal # 1, and Kristi seconded the motion.  Voice vote was unanimous. 9. Board discussed potential library hours change as a result of funding cuts from the Franklin Co. board of supervisors.  Library staff has started tracking foot traffic on Saturdays to see if hours could be cut there first. Director's report: Suzy discussed the upcoming book sale.  It is scheduled for June 1, 2024 from 9:00-2:00pm  Board members who can help should be there at 8:00 am for set up. Motion to adjourn was made by Lisa and seconded by Wendy B.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  The next meeting is June 19, 2024 At 5:15 pm  Respectively submitted, Lisa Peters

Minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Board President Wendy Lamos called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm.  Roll was taken with the following members present: Wendy Lamos, Dick Paulsen, Dale Schirmer, John Lyman, Wendy Busman, Carol Sensor, and interim director Suzy Knipfel.  The interim director reviewed the April warrants and the March statistics report.  Dick made a motion to accept the minutes. agenda, and warrants.  It was seconded by Wendy B.  Voice vote was unanimous.  The monthly circulation and financial report showed that circulation was down from last year. The library received their quarterly funding from the city.  The interim director reported on the curbside service provided to patrons which began during Covid; there were 13 curbside deliveries last month.  Also, large print books and magazines are taken to nursing homes and assisted living facilities.  The items are checked out to the facility. The library should be getting checks from the Library Foundation and city. There was one person for public comment.  Old Business: 1. Infinity Table-The Infinity Table has been purchased will be shipped soon. The Children's Librarian is planning for its location.  A battery back-up is being considered. New Business: 1.Public Comment Time Limit-Dale moved that the public comment time be a maximum of 5 minutes which could be extended with Board Approval.  Following discussion, Dick seconded the motion.  It was approved with 4 yes and 1 no votes. 2. Salaries & Wages-(see handout) The Personnel Committee will meet prior to the May meeting to discuss Salaries and wages and will bring a recommendation back to the full board at the May meeting.  It was suggested that the years of employment be added to the table.  A recommendation regarding future staffing of the Library will also be part of the recommendation. 3.  FY 24-25 Budget.- The Budget Committee will meet prior to the May meeting.  There are some line items that need changing.  The committee will bring the budget to the May meeting . A question was raised regarding the PR/Open House line item.  At the end of March $1,436.48 had been spent of a budgeted $700.  Suzy will check the records to determine how these dollars have been spent. 4.  Camera Access for monitoring in Children's Dept.- There is a monitor in the Children's dept. that needs to have software loaded to allow for security camera access.  Suzy will contact Rockwell Communication and the IT person to determine exact cost if any.  We have the software.  A motion was made by Dale and seconded by John to get the software installed. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 5.  iRobot Roomba i3+ With the reduction in janitorial services for next year, there was a discussion of purchasing 2 Roombas (one for each floor).  These may be purchased by the Friends of the Library or memorial funds. Update on Meetings-Brenda attended Kids First in Ames for two days.  It is offered every other year.  Suzy attended the NILC Group meeting.  By June 1 the library needs to find someone else to manage their digital records. this has ben done by the AEA for $3000 in the past but will end June 1.  Our open access agreements have been sent to the State Library.  Jeff Stein was a speaker at the library last week. He was very well received.  His $50 fee was paid for by KLMJ.  We will pursue having him back in the future. A woman who works with the Carnegie Iowa Library Project through the University of Iowa visited the library.  She digitizes information about the Carnegie libraries, has a website and provides programs regarding these libraries for only the cost of mileage.  Motion to adjourn was made by Dick and seconded by Dale, Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  The next meeting is May 15, 2024 at 5:15 pm

Minutes from Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday March 20, 2024 Board president Wendy Lamos called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm  Roll taken with the following present Wendy Lamos, Dick Paulsen, Kristi Wragge, Lisa Peters, Dale Schirmer, John Lyman, Wendy Buseman, and director Kim Manning. The library director reviewed the March warrants and the February statistics report. The only item to note was on the financial report.  The "books" charge for February was rather large due to an invoicing error with one of the books suppliers which resulted in the library not being charged for books for three months.  The charge reflects the corrected error.  Motion was made by John, seconded by Dale, to accept the agenda, warrants and minutes.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  Public Comment: none  Old Business agenda items: 1.  The budget committee presented the proposed amended budget (see attached) now that we know our funding level from the county.  Many of the cuts were discussed by the board.  The committee was able to modify the budget in such a way to protect the previous planned staffing level.  Motion was made by Dale, seconded by Lisa, to accept the amended budget as shown in the green column of the budget proposal handout. Kim stated to the board that a new part-time employee/volunteer will be starting soon.  This person will work 18-22 hours per week on a trial basis.  Workload will be directed by Suzy.  This was arranged through a partnership with AARP.  The library will not be paying this person but instead will be paid through AARP. 2.  the budget committee also proposed a salary increase for the new interim director position and a work anniversary salary increase for a part time employee.  these are as follows: The motion was made by Dale, seconded by Dick, to give Laela Ragsdale a 2: wage increase retroactive to her work hire anniversary effective January 4, 2024. Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  The motion was made by Dick, seconded by Kristi, to give Suzy Knipfel a 2% wage increase as interim library director effective April 1, 2024.  3.  Infinity gaming Table-The process to purchase a new gaming table through warranty has started.  Nathan will update the board once a new table is available to be shipped.  The cost of the table will be covered by donations.  New Business Agenda Items: 1.  National Library Week will be April 7-13, 2024.  Kim announced that the author Jeff Stein will be at the library April 9 at 10am.  The trustees are requested to provide appetizers for the event and open house that day.  Motion to adjourn was made by Dale and seconded by John.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  Next meeting will be April 17, 2024 at 5:15 pm.

Minutes from Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, February 21, 2024  Board President Wendy Lamos called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.  Roll taken with the following present Wendy Lamos, Dick Paulsen, Nathan Subbert, Kristi Wragge, Carol Sensor, Lisa Peters, Dale Schirmer and Director Kim Manning.  The library director reviewed the February warrants and statistics report for January.  The library reported another massive 1,342 item increase in circulation from this time last year.  There were no other items out of the ordinary to report.  Motion made by Dale, seconded by Lisa, to accept the agenda, warrants, and minutes.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  Public Comment: there was none.  Old Business: 1. Budget and funding - several items to report.  a) The city is planning to increase their library funding from $88,000 to $93,000 for next year.  b) The county has announced their funding award for Franklin County libraries.  Due to changes at the state level, the supervisors' resolution to modify the library distribution (Hampton was reduced from 42% to 32%) coupled with the changes at the state level, the amount awarded to the Hampton Public Library $39,124 which is a significant decrease from the $72,765 awarded the previous year. c) The Hampton Chronicle reported that the estate for Bruce Dohrmann will be gifting the Foundation of the Hampton Public Library $300,000.  Kim had not heard anything else yet other than what was reported in the newspaper.  The Foundation Directors usually meet once a year in May.  2. Infinity Gaming Table - Several emails were exchanged with the manufacturer to attempt to figure out the gaming table issues.  Nothing worked.  Tech support believes the table is broken and can not be fixed. They have offered a replacement table at a reduced price.  Nathan will get a quote and share with the board at the next meeting before a decision is made to replace the gaming table.  Kim identified a few issues that will need to be addressed regarding providing power to the table if the board decides to proceed with the purchase.  New Business Agenda Items 1.  The board and Kim discussed her upcoming retirement.  The effective date will be March 31 with her last day at work being March 29.  Kim spoke with City Hall to inform them of her decision and also to see what requirements we may need to follow for posting of the position.  City Hall did not know of any that needed to be followed other posting of the open position in a public place such as the doors of the library and city hall.  Kim's recommendation was to promote Suzy to interim director and bring Esmeralda on as a full-time employee.  The director position could then be posted publicly.  The board discussed options to proceed taking into account the current budget issues.  Motion was made by Dale, seconded by Kristi, to promote Suzy Knipfel to the position of interim library director staying at her current salary effective April 1.  The budget committee will meet to recommend a path forward that meets the needs of the library and its future budget.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  Motion to adjourn was  made by  Nathan and seconded by Dick.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  Next meeting will be March 20,2024 at 5:15pm.  Minutes from Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, January 17th, 2024  Board President Wendy Lamos called the meeting to order at 5:17pm.  Roll taken with the following present Wendy Lamos, John Lyman, Dick Paulsen, Nathan Subbert, Carol Sensor, Lisa Peters, and Director Kim Manning.  The library director reviewed the January warrants and statistics reports for December.  The library reported a massive 1,264 item increase in circulation from this time last year.  December was a three pay period month which was reflected in the larger than usual payroll. Nathan commented that the minutes were not complete because data from the county Board of Supervisors funding history was still needed from Kim.  Motion made by Dick, secondedby John, to accept the agenda, warrants, and minutes with the added data.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  Public Comment: Dick Lukensmeyer was registered to speak but passed after the minutes discussion earlier. Old Business Agenda: None New Business Agenda Items: The full Holiday closing calendar for 2023 was presented to the board.  The closures will be the following:Monday, January 1, Monday, February 19, Monday, May 27, Thursday, July 4, Monday, September 2, Thursday, November 28,Friday, November 29, Tuesday, December 24, Wednesday, December 25. Motion made by Nathan, seconded by Lisa, to accept the list as shown. Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  A sort of impromptu open forum discussion took place with the trustees board and Mr. Lukensmeyer representing the board of supervisors.  The main question was if the process for deciding how the county funding was distributed across the county libraries by deferring to the library directors was set in county code.  The answer is the the supervisors have final say/votein how funding is distributed.  Having the library directors meet and decide the distribution is most a courtesy extended by the supervisors.  Motion to adjourn was made by Dick Paulsen and seconded by Nathan.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.

Minutes from Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, December 20th, 2023. Board president Wendy Lamos called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.  Roll taken with the following present: Wendy Lamos, John Lyman, Nathan Subbert, Carol Sensor, Dale Schirmer, Lisa Peters, Kristi Wrage, and director Kim Manning.  The library director reviewed the warrants and statistics report for October.  The library reported a 233 item increase in circulation from this time last year.  The plumbing bill to address the gas leak was pointed out to the library but (but more on that later).  Motion was made by John, seconded by Kristi, to accept the agenda, warrants, and minutes. Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  Public Comment: None. Old Business Agenda Items: 1) Adam Wickwire performed needed building maintenance to close up and seal the gaps above the windows that were left from the lentil project.  2) Kim reported the Lincoln program and open house were a big success.  Both were well attended and we had plenty of food available for all.  3) Kim confirmed with city hall that the personnel manual last updated in 2012 is the latest version.  4) Kim looked at the 2024 calendar versus the proposed olidays in the library personnel manual and reported she does  not anticipate any difficulties in scheduling the holiday closures.  No vote was taken because no calendar with set closures dates was presented. New Business 1) Kim reported on the meeting of the library directors of Franklin county.  The group used the supervisors new distribution as a starting point for funding distribution across the county libraries.  The only modification that was agreed upon was that Sheffield offered to transfer back 2% to Hampton.  The librarians voted and approved the new distribution.  The results of the vote from the county which is a decrease from the 42% it normally received from the county. Summary of the changes in distribution is included with the notes.  2) A children's department computer was taken for repair but with its age, should probaby be replaced.  The board recommended the purchase of a new machine to replace the current computer.  No vote was needed since the purchase is covered in the current equipment budget.  3) A gas leak was discovered in the mechanical room.  The gas company was called to shut off the gas, and the leak was repaired.  The board discussed if there was a maintenance agreement in place with  the installer.  Nathan took the action to talk to city hall to ask the question.  4) The preliminary budget for 2024/2025 was presented. Much is still unknown regarding funding so there is high confidence that the budget will need to be modified.  The process will be pushed out several months due to lack of data from the County.  Motion was made by Dale and seconded by Lisa to approve the budget proposal.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve. 

Minutes from Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, November 15, 2023  Board President Wendy Lamos called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.  Roll taken with the following present Wendy Lamos, Dick Paulsen, John Lyman, Wendy Buseman, Nathan Subbert, Carol Sensor, Dale Schirmer, Lisa Peters, and Kim Manning.  The Library director reviewed the warrants and statistics report for October.  The library reported a significant increase in items circulated from this time last year.  There was a short discussion regarding the new telescope the library recently acquired.  It is a rather large and expensive piece of equipmet so a check-out policy will need to be developed to handle it.  The policy committee will discuss and present a proposal at a later meeting.  Motion made by Dick, seconded by Wendy B, to accept the agenda, warrants and minutes.  Voice vote was unanimous.

Public comment had several attendees speak regarding the recent Board of Supervisors meeting. Old Business Agenda Items:1) Kim reported on the recent county supervisors meeting that was attended by the county librarians.  The librarians pointed out that the supervisors overstepped their responsibilities when they changed the funding distribution across the county libraires.  The county librarians will meet to agree upon a distribution and report back to the county supervisors.  Kim also spoke with the city of Garner librarian regarding their method for calculating county distribution using different weighted variables.  The point was made that Franklin County may see as much as a 30% reduction in the money received from the state. 2) The personnel committee reported on the annual raise and how it was applied to each part time employee.  One PT employee who also gets vacation and sick leave receives a 5% raise while others received 7%.  The committee looked at differences between part time and full time employee benefits including the value of health isnurance, vacation, and sick leave.  The committee talked to each employee looking for opinions.  The recommendation was that Esmeralda be given a 2% pay increase to raise her overall increase for the year to the 7% level.  Discussion was had by the board regarding how this recommendation was reached and how it affects the PT pay versus the pay of the FT librarians.  The motion was made by Dick and seconded by John to increase Esmeralda's pay by 2% effective in the next pay period.  Voice vote approved the motion 5-2.  3) The policy committee presented the revised 'Statement of Concern' and the 'Materials Reconsideration Policy' to the rest of the board.  The new materials took into account the suggestions from the challenged material committee.  Motion was made by Dale and seconded by Lisa to accept the changes.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  5)  Abraham Lincoln is returning to the Hampton Public Library!  Program will be on November 27th at 6pm.  The library is also hosting its open house the same day. The Library will be open normal hours (9:30-5:30) and then reopen for the program at 6. The program will be held in the children's department in order to accommodate the crowd.  The Trustees and staff will provide appetizers and treats to be available all day with the open house.

New Business Agenda Items:  1) Christmas Eve is a holiday for library employees but it fall on a a Sunday this year.  Discussion occurrd over what day then to close to cover this holiday.  Motion by Wendy B and seconded by Dale to close the library on Saturday, December 23rd to cover the holiday.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.

2) Motion was made by Dale and seconded by Dick to go into closed session.  Roll call voice vote was unanimous to approve.  The reason for the closed session is to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless or irreparable injury to that indivdual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

The Board of Trustees exited the closed session with the following statement- the library will issue a statement regarding the tone of recent posts and statements made on social media. The board policy committee will meet separately to formulate a Facebook/social  media policy for use by the Hampton Public Library and its employees.

Motion to adjourn was made by Dale and seconded by Wendy B.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.

Next meeting will be December 20, 2023 @ 5:15pm.

Minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, October 18th.  Board President Wendy Lamos called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.  Roll taken with the following present: Wendy Lamos, Dick Paulsen, John Lyman, Wendy Buseman, Nathan Subbert, Kristi Wragge, Carol Sensor, Dale Schirmer, Lisa Peters and Kim Manning.  Visitors were too numerous to name.  The library director reviewed the warrants and statistics report for September.  The library reported an increase in items circulated from this time last year.  Motion made by Dick, seconded by Wendy, to accept the agenda, warrants, and minutes.  Voice vote was unanimous.  Public Comment spoke regarding the recent Board of Supervisors meeting, budgeting, and the use of the Library Facebook page. 1) Dick Lukensmeyer read a statement regarding discussions held at the county supervisors meeting and how they were portrayed on Facebook.  Recording played from Chris Vanness' appearance on the radio's "Newsmaker" segment from October 5th, 2023. 2) Tracy Stillwell spoke to reiterate Dick's comments regarding the supervisor's meeting. 3) Scott Stillwell stated the library director's use of the Facebook page was unprofessional and how it was used should result in dismissal from the director's position. 4) Wayne Grayland spoke to point out that what books a child reads is up the the parent.  He also used his time to point out the importance institutions such as this to get creative with finding funding including fundraisers and estate planning.  Old Business Agenda Items:1. The chairman of the book review committee, Liz Carr, gave a report on the committee meeting held Tuesday, September 26.  There was open discussion with several members of the committee regarding how well the process worked and how well everyone worked together.  Some items the committee pointed out was that usually publishers determine the audience which means if a book has a "YA" sticker, that determination comes from the publisher. Motion made by Dale, seconded by John, to accept the committee recommendations for each book.  Vote was by roll call voice response. All voted yes.  2. Item was tabled until next month so that the personnel committee would have more time to discuss the issue.  3.  Another change to the "Statement of Concern" was proposed.  The change along with suggestions from the book review committee were tabled and referred to the process committee.  The committee will meet and finalize the process and present to the board at the next meeting.  New Business Agenda Items: 1) The question was asked about how to handle library closures in the event of bad weather.  Everyone agreed to continue with what was used in the past.  Additionally, the Saturday after Thanksgiving was brought up because of scheduling issues.  Staff librarians will have worked their one required weekend and not enough part time staff is available (Family Commitments) that day to open.  Also, closing the library that day would allow everyone to enjoy the numerous other activities already planned around town.  Motion was made by Dale, seconded by Wendy, to close the library the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve. 2) Discussion regarding Facebook posts and the supervisor meeting.  Director recognizes the results from her post on the library Facebook page.  Discussion  proceeded regarding what is appropriate for what should be posted on the Facebook site and to pay attention to tone.  Regarding the county supervisor's meeting, the original formula for how money is dispersed figured back in 1987 was requested and found, and then shared with the county auditor.  A bit of a Q/A session broke out between the supervisor's in attendance and the library board that discussed the county budget process and the effect of the cuts that may happen due to chantges the state legislature had recently made.  The original proposal for library funding which the library had on file was provided to the board as well.  This month's teachable lesson was from the Iowa Library Trustee Handbook, Chapter 6.  An essential responsibility of Iowa library boards is to develop and adopt public policy.  Library boards must be mindful that they are adopting public policies for a public services.  The policies should grow out of a process of studying the issues and needs, further facts, deliberating the issues writing policy and reviewing them every three years.  Motion to adjourn was made by Dale and seconded by Carol.  Voice vote was unanimous to approve.  Next meeting will be November 15, 2023 at 5:15pm. Summarized minutes from the Board of Trustees held Wednesday, September 20th.  Roll call was taken with the following present  Wendy Lamos, John Lyman, Wendy Buseman, Nathan Subbert, Kristi Wragge, Carol Sensor, & Dale Schirmer with Kim Manning Director also acting as secretary.  The Director went over the Warrants for September in the amount of $17,626.63.  A motion by John with a second by Kristi.  Public Comment was held with several citizens continuing to censor certain books from the YA section to the adult section. The Trustees then moved on to the camera bids.  Nathan suggested that the library go with bid 2.  A  motion was made by Dale with a second from Wendy B. and the rest of the board agreed.  Progress of the Committee to advise the Trustees on the challenged books was discussed.  The board will await their recommendation on the books. Kim presented the # of books and the % of the collection that is LGBTQ.  Non of the various collections added up to even 1%. A motion was made to aprove Liz Carr to the Reconsideration Committee with a motion by Dale and second from Kristi.  Kim shared that the HPL has received $39,000 from the Barkema Trust in the last 8 years and also a grant from Dollar General for $2000 and an ARPA Grant in the amount of $1959.  Kim also shared that Frederick Blanch had gifted $2000 to the library after his death.  Motion to adjourn was made by Wendy B with a second by Dale. Summarized minutes from the Board of Trustees held Wednesday, August 16, 2023. Roll Call was tkane with the following trustees present, Wendy Lamos, John Lyman, Wendy Buseman, Nathan Subbert, Dick Paulsen, Kristi Wragge and Kim Manning Director and Secretary.  Wendy Lamos called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.  The Director went over the Warrants for August, which included the bathroom updates.  A motion from John with a second from Dick.  Director went over the Monthly Statistical Reort which showed an increase in items circulated.  This year the County check came much earlier than usual so the financial report showed receipts of $337,207.74 for the month.  The financial report also showed that $21,788.00 paid out in bills.

Public comment was held: with several attendees commenting on the Young Adult collection, 1) Amanda Byrnes spoke providing instrustio to the Trustees about having a Reconsideration Commitee policy.  2) Dick Lukensmeyer also spoke about parents not having access to their child's records at the Hampton Public Library.  The Director responded by telling the assembled group that even children has 1st Amendment rights.  Dick commented back that he needed proof. 3) Karen Mitchell also spoke, saying in defense of the books, that is a big world out there with lots of ideas and opportunities, and that young adults need to be able to access all the information in the library.  Also Pastor Petre spoke asking the librarians to check the percentage of LGBTQ books housed in the library as compared to 203% of Hampton residents that are LGBTQ and adjust our collection accordingly.  He also noted that several books had been added to the collection presenting the other side of the issue and he appreciated that.  Dustin Byrnes also spoke and shared his concern over Miller v. California case presented in the agenda, and that we  needed to look into this further because we don't have all the fact.

Old Business:  the Director asked  Nathan about the camera bid that was going to espire 8/26/23.  Nathan replied that he is in contact with Connor from Card & Co and will resolve this issue soon.  The personnel committee met before the trustee meeting and decided that only  Marilyn geta 7% raise due to her anniversary date.  But since Esmeralda gets other benefits which include sick and vacation, as of 9/1/23 her raise will be the same as the other full-time librarias @5%.

New Business:  1) A  motion was made and approved by all to have some control over a business meeting in a public setting.  Rick made the motion with a second from Kristi that public comment should be placed on each monthly agenda with citizens registering ahead of time and the limit of 5 minutes.  Also instruction was given by the Board members should not reply to public comment in the meeting. 2) Nathan Subbert accepted the position on the board as secretary.

The Trustee Teachable lesson:  Lack of access to information can be harmful to minors. Librarians and library governing bodies have a public and professional obligation to ensure that all members of the community they serve ave free, equal and equitable access to the entire range of library resources.  Regardless of content, approach, format, or amount of detail.  Taken from the Freedom Manual American Library Association, eighth edition.

Motion to adjourn was made by Dick with a second from Nathan.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 Minutes from the Board of Trustees held Wednesday, July 19th, 2023. Roll call was taken with the following trustees in attendance: Wendy Lamos, John Lyman, Wendy Buseman, Nathan Subbert, Dick Paulsen, Kristi Wragge, and Kim Manning acting as secretary.  The July warrants were approved with a motion by John Lyman and a second by Dick Paulsen.  Kim Manning highlighted the following points from the statistical report.  Circulation was 5,259 which is 459 more than at this time last year.  The library added 129 new titles and removed 170 titles.  The library received the last quarterly payment for FY 22/23 of $22,000 from the City of Hampton. Old Business: a motion to accept the changes to the Materials Reconsideration policy and inclusivity statement by Rick with a second from Nathan.  Motion to accept the members selected for the Materials Reconsideration Committee also made by Rick with a second from Nathan.  Motion by Kristi with a second from Wendy B to get written parental permission for the teen that will be on the committee. The minutes were not clar about the part-time raises so that motion was scratched and the personnel committee will have to meet again.  New Business: Kim reported that all of the State reports that are due 7/31/23 have all been filed. The Trustees again listened to public comments made by the 20 or so citizens that attended the board meeting still raising concerns about challenged titles that should be removed from the Young Adult section and into the Adult Section.  The board will wait for the recommendation made by the Committee which will be made up of the following: Vicky Pralle, Wendy Buseman, Esmeralda Ramirez, Lily Strother, Alan Ferris, Dustin Burns and Amanda Burns.  Motion to adjourn was made by Nathan with a second by Wendy Buseman. The Trustee Teachable Lesson: Was regarding the Trustee job description which included providing the community with the best possible library service and that making sure the community's needs and interests are paramound when making board decisions.

Minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, June 14th, 2023.  Roll Call Wendy Lamos, Robin McKee, John Lyman, Wendy Buseman, Nathan Subbert, Dick Paulsen, and Terri McWilliams. Director Kim Manning was also present Visitors: Steve Birdsall, Ron Dunt, Dick Lukensmeyer, Traci and Scott Stillwell, Alan Ferris, City Attorney Megan Rosenberg, Lily Rosenberg. Library Staff: Esmeralda, Brenda, and Marilyn were also present.  Warrants for May totaled $23,405.00.  A new computer was added for the microfilm reader and for public use.  4,456 items were circulated 896 more items than last year at this time.  16 library cards were issued.  The Friends of the HPL donated $3200.00 to children's programming, and other various expenses.  The balance in the HPL account is $74,434.58.  92% of the expected revenue has been received with 100% having been spent.  City Attorney Megan Rosenberg, was asked to comment on Iowa Code 728 and 728.7.  Megan also pointed out that the trustees when evaluating a challenged book there are 3 points to consider *What do we believe the community standards are? *Do the objectionable materials include intended  morbid or shameful nudity, sex, and bodily functions? *Artistic expression-What is offensive? What some people find offensive, other may not.  Megan also pointed out that even if the trustees personally agree with the reasons the material is being challenged, they need to consider what the community thinks.  The library is an arm of City government and moving a book from a designated area is a form of censorship.  Obscenity laws are different for your home and your own businesses.  Businesses have different licenses.  Public Libraries have to respect freedom of expression and freedom of speech.  Personnel manual of the City regarding posting to the Internet: Businesses have different licenses. Public Libraries when regarding posting to the Internet: When something is posted to Facebook publicly it cannot be retrracted if it is a government public page.  Therefore, the post made by Angela Horner on the library Facebook page that she laterformally requested to be deleted, cannot be deleted by the library staff.  Harassment in the library (State Librar Of Iowa) "a patron has no right to sexualize, harass, or intimidae a library employee.  If a librarian is uncomfortalbe with a particular phone call or an in-person conversation, you are not obligted to continue it.  Hang up or tell the person to stop.  Report to law enforcement if necessary." This was discussed for clarification about a recent incident. A motion was made by Wendy Buseman that after working one year, part-time employees will receive a raise of 7% of their hourly wage.  (Fiscal Year 2023-2024).  A motion was also made to approve the Materials Reconsideration Policy and Inclusivity Statement.  A motion to adjourn was made after the Director explained that the staff had recently met with Police Chief Mark Morrison regarding how to respond locally in case of a violent intruder in the library.

Minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday May 17th, 2023.  Roll call Wendy Lamos, Robin McKee, John Lyman, Wendy Buseman, Nathan Subbert, Kristi Wragge, Rick Janssen, Dick Paulsen and Terri McWilliams. Also in attendance was Kim Manning, Suzy Knipfel, Brenda Van Wert, Marilyn Moser, and Laela Ragsdale. Visitors included Angela Horner,  Dick Lukensmeyer, Traci & Scott Stillwell, Alan Ferris, Matt Grohe, and Chris VanNess.  Warrants were approved for May for a total of $17,917.89.  The library circulated 1,131 more items at this time than last year.  Angela Horner attended the meeting to present her request that the comments  made on the Library's Facebook page be removed.  She also requested that te books in the YA area of the library be shelved with the adult books so that these books many with LGBTQ stories not fall into the hands of children. Titles include, The Haters, Andrew; The Perks of being a Wallflower, Chbosky; All Boys Aren't Blue, Johnson; and The Handmaids Tale/ The Graphic Novel, Atwood/Nault, A motion was also made to purchase another public access computer to be used as a public internet as well as the genealogy microfilm machine.  Motion was adjourned with a discussion of the interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights.  Internet policy;The Federal government and Child Protetion Act requires all computers in the public library to have silters.  A Motion was made by Rick that the statement that all computers in the Hampton Public Library are required to have internet filters will be added to the library's internet policy.  Seconded by John. Motion carried.  Kim suggested that the microfim reader could also be used as an extra computer to provide more public access.  One more computer still needs to be purchase.  A motion was made to purchase a new desktop computer like the others that have beenn purchased recently (about $1,000.00) by Robin and seconded by Kristi. Motion carried.  Trustee evaluations were handed out.  The trustees were asked to fill them out and keep them for their own reflection.  Evaluations for th director were also handed out.  These should be sent to Wendy Lamos or dropped off at the library when they are completed.  Part-time employee benefits:  Kim gave her quarterly presentation to City Hall  The city benefits for part-time employees were discussed at that time. A discussion amont the trustees was held about possible ways to offer some benefits to part-time library employees that work under 30 hours per week.  Currently they do not have any benefits.  Possible ideas were offering longevity pay earned or vacatio days pro-rated by hours worked in a year.  Offering benefits could help with the satisfaction and retention of employees that have been trained.  Kim noted it costs a minimum of approximately $1400. to train new employees.  It was suggested that the Personnel Comittee meet to discuss this further and report back.  Dick Paulsen, Kristi Wragge, Wendy Buseman, ad Terri McWilliams serve on this committee. Loss of Library Levy: Although a bill was passed by the Iowa legislature to discontinue the library levy of $30,000, the library will still receive this money for the next fiscal year.  Amended Proposed Budget: the budget committee met and voted to amend the proposed budget.  They recommend that all employees receive a 5% raise.  Dick made a motion that the budget be amended to include the 5% raise for all employees.  Rick seconded it. Motion carried.  The Friends of the Library gave the library $3,200. This money was raised by fundraisers such as the sale of library-t-shirts and bags, and their used book sales.  The next Friends of the Library Book Sale will be held June 17, 2023, from 9-3 Motion to adjourn; A motion to adjourn was made by John and seconded by Dick Motion approved.  The trustees will be notified about a date for the next meeting in June since four trustees  have conflicts on June 21.  We would not be able to meet the requirements for aqorum.  Teaching Trustees Spotlight: the interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights was discussed. The document was emailed to the trustees prior to the meeting.

Summarized minutes from the Board of Trustes meeting held Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Roll Call Wendy Lamos, Kristi Wragge, Rick Janssen, Dick Paulsen, John Lyman, Nathan Subbert, Wendy Buseman, and Robin McKee.  Also in attendance was Kim Manning, Director and Tracy & Scott Stillwill.  April warrants were approved in the amount of $20,177.32.  Books being challenged was discussed with mixed emotions.  Murphy's bid was accepted in the amount of $4,619.00 to update the bathroms.  Thre Trustees ended the meeting by reviewing the Library Bill of Rights. 

Summarized minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting was held April Summarized minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, March 14, 2023.  Roll Call: Robin  McKee (President pro-tem), Kristi Wragge, Rick Janssen, Dick Paulsen, and Terri McWilliams.  Also present was Kim Manning Director and Matt Grohe Hamton Chronicle.March warrants of $20,239.95 approved by Rick with a second from Dick. Motion passed.  The Director shared the circulation and financial reports.  In February, 4,215 items circulated, which was 418 more that at this time last year.  An average of 65 people visited per day this month.  Financial Report has the account balance at $96,177.52 with 62% of the expected revenue has been received.  The Director clarified policies regarding banned books and the young adult section in the library.  The Director suggested that the trustees take the time to review the Collection Policy posted on the website, or talk to her to see the complete policy.